The Correct and Safe way to shut off a Propane Grill

By - BBQBossMan
Turn off the Propane Tank: Locate the propane tank valve. It is usually located on the side or back of the grill. Rotate the valve clockwise until it is fully closed. This step shuts off the flow of propane from the tank to the grill.
Let the Burners Burn Off: After turning off the propane tank, leave the grill lid open and allow the burners to run for a few minutes. This allows any remaining gas in the lines to be burned off completely, ensuring there is no leftover gas trapped in the system.
Turn off the Burners: After the burners have burned off the remaining gas, turn each burner knob clockwise or to the "Off" position. This step ensures that the burners are fully extinguished.
Following this sequence ensures that the propane supply is shut off first, preventing any further gas flow. Allowing the burners to burn off any residual gas reduces the risk of gas buildup and potential flare-ups when turning off the burners.
June 22, 2023